International Institute of Biblical Studies - IIBS

Distance Learning Institution

We help people learn about the Bible really well so they can understand it better. Our school wants to challenge students and help them grow, so they have a strong foundation to use for the rest of their life. We want students to love the Bible and grow close to Jesus. We give students support, good resources, and fun stuff to learn so they can be the best leaders they can be. Come join us to learn more about the Bible!

Empower learners for high quality Biblical Education

Our Affiliation/Accreditation

We are affiliated with many reputable organizations worldwide, which makes our brand and services trustworthy. Our accreditation process ensures our services and products are of top quality for our clients. Our commitment to excellence and good network makes us a reliable service provider for all your business needs.

"Amazing Faculty and Quality Teaching!"

Start on a Transformative Journey with IIBS

At IIBS Biblical Studies, we take pride in our exceptional faculty and unwavering commitment to delivering unparalleled quality in education. Our institution stands as an excellence, dedicated to providing a transformative learning experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

Exceptional Faculty:

Our faculty members are not just educators; they are passionate mentors, scholars, and experts in their respective fields. Comprising a diverse and distinguished group of individuals, our faculty brings experience and a deep commitment to fostering a nurturing learning environment.

Leadership in Academia:

At IIBS, we are proud to have a faculty that includes renowned scholars and thought leaders in Biblical Studies. Their groundbreaking research, published works, and active participation in academic discourse contribute to the dynamic intellectual atmosphere within our institution.

Engagement and Accessibility:

We believe in the power of personal connections. Our faculty members are not only experts in their fields but also approachable mentors who actively engage with students. Through personalized attention, collaborative projects, and open-door policies, we ensure that each student receives the support they need to thrive academically and personally.

Quality Teaching:

Innovative Pedagogy:

At IIBS, we embrace innovative teaching methodologies that go beyond traditional approaches. Our educators leverage modern pedagogical techniques, integrating technology and interactive learning strategies to create a dynamic and engaging classroom experience.

Holistic Education:

We understand that education extends beyond textbooks. Our curriculum is designed to provide a holistic learning experience, incorporating not only academic knowledge but also practical skills, critical thinking, and ethical values. Students at IIBS are equipped with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and integrity.

Global Perspective:

In a rapidly changing global landscape, our faculty ensures that students gain a comprehensive understanding of Biblical Studies within a broader international context. We foster an environment that encourages diverse perspectives, preparing our students to be global citizens with a deep appreciation for cultural and theological diversity.

Join the IIBS Biblical Studies Community:

Choosing IIBS means choosing an institution where faculty excellence and quality teaching converge to create an extraordinary learning experience. We invite you to embark on a transformative journey with us, where knowledge meets inspiration, and every student is empowered to reach their fullest potential.

Meet Our Leadership

International Institute of Biblical Studies, our journey has been defined by a steadfast commitment to excellence, a profound vision for academic and spiritual growth, and a relentless pursuit of impact. Guided by our unwavering dedication to biblical scholarship, we have set a course that transcends borders and transforms lives.

Dr. Rapheal Samuel T Koopman


Rev Dr (Prof.) Koningthung Ngoru Moyon


Rev. Dr. Sergio E. Arevalo, Jr.

President – Philippines

Bishop Dr. Chris Oliver

Director - UK

Earn your Degree at your Home!

If you are looking for a distance education, IIBS is a great option. Regardless of your schedule, you can complete your Courses in your home and or office.
The International Institute of Biblical Studies is a Christian Religious Institution
specializes in distance education degrees at the Bachelor, Master and
Doctoral level in Biblical Studies for the Extension of God’s Kingdom.